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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Sanders: Rahm’s revenge ‘obsession’ behind principal reassignment

Mayor Rahm Emanuel is feeling the Bern — and not in a good way.

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders blasted the mayor Thursday for “politically motivated retaliation” against controversial Blaine Elementary School Principal Troy LaRaviere, blaming the principal’s reassignment on “Emanuel’s unhealthy obsession with taking revenge.”
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“It is absolutely unacceptable that a school principal is facing politically motivated retaliation because he dared to stand up to the mayor of Chicago,” the Vermont senator said in written statement.

“If we are going to build an economy that works for all, we cannot sit back and watch as workers face retaliation from bosses. I condemn Principal LaRaviere’s reassignment and call on Democrats around the country to stand up against Mayor Emanuel’s pettiness.”

Chicago Public Schools issued a statement late Thursday afternoon disputing the idea that the mayor’s office ordered the move.

“CPS made this decision based on the advice of our attorneys because of alleged acts of misconduct, including violations of a previously board-issued warning resolution. We did not consult the mayor in making this decision,” Chief Education Officer Janice Jackson said.

CPS officials weren’t saying specifically why LaRaviere got the boot, but they say it has nothing to do with a meeting he’d scheduled with other CPS principals.

An outspoken critic of Emanuel, LaRaviere appeared in TV ads promoting Sanders — and trashing the mayor — before the March primary.

LaRaviere was uncharacteristically quiet Thursday, a day after CPS reassigned him.

LaRaviere said that CPS told him in a letter Wednesday he’d been removed from his job at Blaine, after district officials tried to shut down a meeting he was supposed to attend, along with other principals, at a South Side elementary school.

But CPS spokeswoman Emily Bittner said Thursday that LaRaviere’s removal is “unrelated to the meeting at the elementary school.”

“Principal LaRaviere was asked to come to a meeting at CPS on Wednesday to discuss his removal and employment status,” Bittner said. “He did not show up to the meeting.”

During his time at Blaine, LaRaviere drew praise from those who say he speaks boldly on issues that need to be aired. Others criticized him for being too political for a school principal. That divided opinion was evident Thursday.

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