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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Trump’s second act in Illinois — can he play delegate game right?

WASHINGTON — Repoublican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump won the Illinois primary in March — but as Ted Cruz and John Kasich hunt for delegates to deny him the nomination, there still could be a fight over the 12 at-large delegates in Illinois that remain up for grabs.

Those dozen delegates will be selected at the Illinois Republican Party state convention May 19-21 in Peoria.
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In the March primary, Trump won 37 delegates elected at the congressional district level, Cruz got nine and Kasich six.

These elected delegates are expected to be loyalists if there’s a contested convention in Cleveland come July.

Under party rules, though, the 12 at-large delegates to be picked in Peoria would be bound to Trump only for the first ballot. If the convention is contested and goes beyond that, they’re free to vote as they please.

So it will be important to see how Trump and his allies in Illinois work the complicated Peoria convention at-large delegate-selection process. Will they be able to install loyalists — and not double agents — in those slots?

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